1st Croatian Health Economics Workshop 8.-10.6.2023 – Opatija, Croatia Perspectives on the resilience of healthcare systems


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1st Croatian Health Economics Workshop 8-10 June 2023 – Opatija, Croatia

Perspectives on the resilience of healthcare systems

Dear Members of the ECC,

The multiple challenges of aging societies, growing demand for long-term care, increased burden for the healthcare workforce, and shrinking budgets for public healthcare systems are common to most high-income countries. Despite facing vastly similar health systems’ challenges, most Central and Eastern European countries (including EU-member states and non-member states) lag behind in terms of innovations in the ways their healthcare systems are organised and issues tackled. Additionally, compared to Western Europe, the region has a substantial gap in terms of economic development, with various countries still in a middle-income status, which makes the fiscal constraints even more salient.

The 1st Croatian Health Economics Workshop aims to stimulate an academic discussion around these topics, fostering a closer collaboration between scholars with interest in health, labour and public economics, within Croatia, Central and Eastern Europe as well as internationally. More generally, the workshop hopes to serve as a platform for exchanging best practices and transferring knowledge within Central and Eastern Europe and the international community. The workshop will primarily focus on the following broad themes:

If you want to present your paper and have it discussed at CHEW, please submit your abstracts (max 350 words, preferably structured) via email to chew@efri.hr no later than 17th March, 2023

Abstract submission: 17 th March, 2023
Notification of acceptance: 1st April, 2023
Full paper submission: No later than 12th May, 2023
The workshop will start on Thursday 8th (afternoon) and close on Saturday 10th June (early 
afternoon) 2023. 

The workshop will host contributions from two distinguished keynote speakers:
• Prof. Aleksandra Torbica (Università Bocconi, President-Elect of the European 
Health Economics Association)
• Prof. Joan Costa-i-Font (London School of Economics)

The workshop will be held in Opatija, Croatia. The details of the venue will be announced 
soon. By the way, Opatija is a very beautiful city by the sea.

Participants will be asked to pay a 350 € fee inclusive of accommodation (2 nights, Thursday 8th and Friday 9th June) with breakfast, lunch and a conference dinner. The workshop will run in parallel to the 2023 EDT Conference, 8-10 June, 2023. Senior academics who are interested in participating to CHEW just acting as discussants for papers submitted by junior academics are also welcomed to announce their interest 
by 17th March via email.

If you are interested in participating but have question about travel, logistics, registration, 
visa or fees, please contact us via email at chew@efri.hr

Link to the information about the workshop: https://euhea.eu/files/content/documents/joboffers/call%20for%20papers%20CHEW%202023.pdf