Terveystaloustieteen avoimia työpaikkailmoituksia ja call for papers



Tiedoksenne terveystaloustieteen avoimet työpaikkailmoitukset ja call for papers:

  1. Avoimia työpaikkailmoituksia: Postdoctoral Positions Open in Health Economics, Pharmacoeconomics, Labor Economics and Experimental Economics at Masaryk University, DL 31.1.2025
  2. EuHEA seminari series - submit papers DL 15.1.2025
  3. Avoin harjoittelupaikkailmoitus: STM hakee Lääkkeiden hintalautakuntaan harjoittelijaa, hakuajan DL 30.1.2025 klo 16.15.

Tarkemmat tiedot löydät alta.


  1. Avoimia työpaikkailmoituksia: Postdoctoral Positions Open in Health Economics, Pharmacoeconomics, Labor Economics and Experimental Economics at Masaryk University, DL 31.1.2025

Masaryk University’s School of Economics and Administration in Brno, Czech Republic, is opening several postdoctoral positions. If you know any job market candidates who may be interested in these positions, please do not hesitate to share this information with them.

 The openings include 4 positions in health economics, microsimulation & pharmacoeconomics, labor economics, and political, experimental or behavioral economics. These roles come with contracts up to December 31, 2028, competitive salaries well above the regional average, coupled with the advantages of a low cost of living and excellent access to family, cultural, sports, and other resources. Masaryk University is situated in Brno, one of the world’s top-ranked student cities, conveniently located near Vienna, Austria, and Prague in the Czech Republic.

 Applications for all positions are due by January 31, 2025, with flexible start dates available to accommodate various projects currently underway at our Health Economics, Policy, and Innovation Institute (HEPII). Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, and letters of recommendation are not required at the initial stage. We will request them only for shortlisted candidates.

 You can also learn about the work of our Institute at https://hepii.econ.muni.cz/en . In the past two years, we have secured significant funding from national and international grant agencies, including the European Commission (Horizon Europe) and the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIA), including on Alzheimer’s disease modeling, population ageing, cost-effectiveness of palliative care interventions and other topics.

 For more information about these opportunities and our requirements, interested candidates can explore our available listings:

 Health Economics


 Health Economic Microsimulation and/or Pharmacoeconomics


 Empirical Economics - Labour Economics


 Political Economics and/or Behavioral Economics



2. EuHEA seminari series - submit papers DL 15.1.2025

The EuHEA Seminar Series has been established as a key activity of EuHEA to foster exchange between health economists across countries and institutions and present cutting-edge research in all areas of health economics. A Scientific Committee chaired by Lina Maria Ellegård and Gawain Heckley (Lund University) will coordinate the series in the academic year 2024/2025. Seminars are held online and will take place on Tuesdays, 1:30-2:30pm (CET).

The series in spring 2025 is planned to run from March 18 until May 27.

The Call for Papers for the spring 2025 series is open now. We especially encourage Ph.D. students and early career researchers to submit their work. For details on the series, please click here.

The deadline for submission is January 15, 2025!


3. Avoin harjoittelupaikka: STM hakee Lääkkeiden hintalautakuntaan harjoittelijaa määräaikaiseen virkasuhteeseen kesäksi 2025, hakuajan DL 30.1.2025 klo 16.15.

Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö hakee sosiaaliturva- ja vakuutusosastolle Lääkkeiden hintalautakuntaan harjoittelijaa määräaikaiseen virkasuhteeseen kesäksi 2025. Harjoittelijan tehtävänä ovat korvattavuushakemusten esitarkastus ja koosteiden valmistaminen asiantuntijalausuntoja varten, hintalautakunnan esittelijöiden avustaminen sekä muut erikseen sovittavat tehtävät.

Soveltuvat koulutusalat ovat farmasia tai terveystaloustiede.

Lue lisää täältä.