Terveystaloustieteen tuleva tapahtuma ja avoin työpaikkailmoitus


Tiedoksenne terveystaloustieteen tuleva tapahtuma ja avoin työpaikkailmoitus:

  1. Avoin työpaikkailmoitus
  2. EuHEA training course on the European Job Market for Economists 19.9.2024

Tarkemmat tiedot löydät alta.


1. Avoin työpaikkailmoitus

Tampereen yliopiston yhteiskuntatieteiden tiedekunnassa on haettavana terveystaloustieteen professorin tai tenure track -professorin tehtävä. Tehtävä sijoittuu terveystieteiden yksikköön. Yhteiskuntatieteiden tiedekunnassa terveystaloustiedettä opetetaan laajasti eri tutkinto-ohjelmissa (TtM, LL ja terveystieteiden jatkokoulutus), ja sen keskeisten käsitteiden ymmärtäminen on opiskelijoille tärkeä osaamisalue. Terveystaloustieteen opetus on integroitu useisiin terveystieteiden opintokokonaisuuksiin sekä kansainväliseen maisteriohjelmaan ja tohtorikoulutukseen. Hakuaikaa tehtävään on jatkettu maanantaihin 12. elokuuta 2024 klo 23.59 asti.

Lue lisää työpaikkailmoituksesta kokonaisuudessaan täältä: https://tuni.rekrytointi.com/paikat/?o=A_A&jid=2338


2. EuHEA training course on the European Job Market for Economists

Dear EuHEA member,


The EuHEA Early Career Committee is pleased to announce a virtual training course for Ph.D. students and early career researchers titled "European Job Market for Economists", to be held on 19th September 2024, from 15:00 to 16:30 (Central European Time). This course will be delivered virtually via Zoom.


Register here

Description: This short workshop will teach you the most essential facts about the European Job Market of Economists. You will learn what it is and how it functions, as well as which documents to prepare, and how to prepare for interviews and fly-outs. After this workshop you have the necessary basics to prepare a job market package. The format will be very interactive and questions are encouraged.



David Schindler is the chair of the European Job Market Committee and Associate Professor in the Economics Department at Tilburg University. His research focus is on behavioral and experimental economics, economic history, and personnel economics. He is also a Research Affiliate at CESifo. Learn more about David Schindler on his personal website (http://david-schindler.de/) or X (Twitter) account (https://x.com/DSchindlerEcon). On his website you also find a “Guide to the European Job Market”.


Luisa Wallossek has recently been on the academic job market. She is a PhD student at LMU Munich and is about to start a post-doctoral position at the University of Oslo. She will share her experiences, the challenges she has faced and the lessons she has learned. Please find her personal website here https://www.luisa-wallossek.com/home and her X (Twitter) account here https://x.com/LWallossek.


Further information: We record the session and offer a video on demand afterwards. If you are not able to join the workshop due to schedule issues, you can still receive the video afterwards when filling out the form: https://forms.gle/uJ2xQDeoTvDtkYDB7


Key details:

  • The course will take place on 19 September 2024. It will last 1.5 hours, from 15:00-16:30 Central European Time.
  • It will be held virtually via Zoom, with a limit of 500 participants.
  • The course is aimed at PhD students and early career researchers.
  • The course is free of charge thanks to the support of EuHEA.
  • To register, please fill in this form: https://forms.gle/uJ2xQDeoTvDtkYDB7
  • Registration will close on 1 September 2024 (23:59 Central European Time).
  • The first 500 people to register will receive an invitation to the workshop.
  • All participants will be informed of the outcome on 2 September 2024.
  • An email with Zoom details will be sent to all participants a few days before the event
  • Please send any questions to katrin.zocher@jku.at